[Patch 3.19.1]
Date of Expedition: 06/19/2053 Conducted by the Archaeology and Medicine Divisions of the Scientific Union – SCIUN Summary: On 06/19/2053, the Archaeology and Medicine Divisions of the Scientific Union (SCIUN) conducted an expedition to the „Aberdeen Wall“ on the moon Aberdeen in the Hurston System of the Stanton System. The goal of this expedition was to gain further insight into the mysterious structure, which had exhibited unexplained physical phenomena in previous investigations.
In this event and research report, we present the results of a comprehensive investigation of the mysterious rock face on the moon Aberdeen. The team, consisting of highly skilled professionals, worked together to unravel the mysteries of this extraordinary formation. Led by Alaska Seadeleare, a member of SCIUN’s Archeological Unit, the expedition was undertaken to explore this fascinating wall in greater detail.
Our archaeological investigations focused on exploring the structure of the wall and its possible significance in the history of Aberdeen Moon. The suggestion of an extraterrestrial or Vanduulian origin of the wall was critically questioned, as no clear evidence could be found to support these theories. Instead, our findings suggested that the wall most likely does not have a natural origin due to its shape, orientation to the pole, and unexplained physical phenomena.
In parallel, our medical scientists conducted investigations to examine potential health effects of the physical phenomena on the expedition members. No immediate health problems were noted, although some subjects reported strange sensations when touching the wall.
Expedition members included Alaska Seadeleare from the Archaeology Department, who contributed his expertise to explore possible historical and cultural meanings of the rock face. Leanos Loco, a respected member of SCIUN’s Medical Unit who kept his cool at crucial moments. Van Dalen, an experienced SCIUN freelancer, contributed his diverse expertise to the investigations. The Medical Unit’s two pilots, Felania and Evelyn, played a critical role in the navigation and execution of the expedition. The first Carrack-class ship was commanded by Leanos Loco, while the S.U.S. Marco Polo, also a Carrack-class ship, was under the command of Alaska Seadeleare.

The wall on the moon Aberdeen, accompanied by optically visible energy anomalies, represents a unique geological formation that has piqued our interest and curiosity. Our research mission aimed to explore and understand the origin, characteristics, and possible meanings of these phenomena. As well as to validate Alaska Seadeleare’s assumptions from his previous expeditions.
Using a multidisciplinary approach and state-of-the-art technology, we made every effort to unravel the mysteries of this rock face. Expedition members worked closely together to collect data, analyze samples, and conduct a comprehensive investigation. Through a combination of archaeological expertise, extensive observational skills, and professional handling dr research instruments, we obtained a wide range of information that would lead to new insights.
The following sections of this research report provide an outline of the investigations and events. It is our goal to expand the scientific understanding of the wall on the Aberdeen Moon and to gain new insight into the geologic and energetic aspects of this formation.
General about the wall
With a length of 2801 meters the wall extends in eastern direction from the presumed pole. According to Van Dahlen’s observations, the presumed pole is located about 530 meters west of the beginning of the wall at the bottom of the valley. Detailed information about the navigation to the wall can be found in the previous research report.
The height of the wall in the valley is an impressive 159 meters, which makes it look majestic and imposing.
Due to the special position of the sun, the ambient temperature never reaches values below 200 degrees Celsius. There is an extreme heat that characterizes the climate in the region. This high temperature has an impact on the surrounding area, including the vegetation.

There is no living vegetation along the rock face. The extreme heat and specific climatic conditions leave only dead vegetation. There could be burned or charred plant remains that bear witness to the extreme conditions. Dead vegetation has been found, but no ash of any kind.
The soil at the base of the wall is firm and stable. It is such that it can easily be driven over by heavy vehicles, such as a rover carrying research equipment. This allows access to the wall and facilitates exploration and study of the luminous phenomena.
Near the granite inclusions that are part of the rock face, purple luminous phenomena can be observed. These luminous phenomena have aroused our interest. They could indicate special mineralogical properties or chemical processes occurring in this environment.
The luminous phenomena give the rock wall a mysterious and fascinating atmosphere. In the purple lights one could see nuances of different shades contrasting with the main yellow structure of the wall. This unusual visual effect could indicate that there are unusual chemical or physical processes in the wall that should be further explored.
Overall, this rock wall with its purple luminous phenomena and special environmental conditions represents a unique and challenging research site.

„There were some unexplained observations made at the wall that posed some mysteries for us. Alaska“
Gravity anomalies along the entire length of the wall:
Gravity anomalies were detected on the accessible surface of the wall. At this location, gravity appears to be normal for the researchers, while tufts of grass and stones hover nearby. Researchers were able to walk on this surface without any problems, even though gravity appears to be cancelled for other objects.

Footprints in places where there may be no footprints.
The unexplained observations along the wall continued to increase as our footprints appeared in places that were rocky and not sandy. This observation contradicts our current understanding of physics, as it seems impossible that footprints can appear in sand as well as on a vertically rising rock wall. Yet that is precisely the case here.

We are faced with a puzzle, as the footprints appear halfway between the sandy ground and the vertical rock face. Normally, gravity would prevent anyone from walking along the rock face and it would be impossible to leave footprints there. This discovery challenges everything they know about the known laws of physics.
What is even more amazing is the fact that the subjects do not feel any unusual sensations while placing their foot on this unusual spot. Neither pain nor dizziness occurred. It seems as if gravity or some other unknown force limited or modified their effects on this specific situation.
We are equally puzzled and fascinated by this phenomenon. The question arises whether there is a connection between the unexplained footprints, the floating tufts of grass and stones, the anomalies of gravity. Could there be some as yet unknown force or source of energy subtly interfering with the environment and overriding the normal laws of physics?
The violet phenomena, which at the beginning were said to be due to mineral, chemical processes, turned out to be energetic processes.
„Along the wall, strange energetic phenomena occur that attracted our attention. Leanos Loco“
These phenomena are accompanied by violet to blue pulsating light and can be observed on both sides of the wall.

The violet to blue pulsating light creates a mysterious atmosphere along the wall. The intensity of the light varies, sometimes it is soft and weak, then again intense and striking. However, it is not reflected in the surroundings of these phenomena. Even the smoothly polished surfaces of our vehicles reflected nothing.
Interestingly, these phenomena occur not only at a great height of the wall, but also at the foot of the structure. This indicates that the energetic fields causing these phenomena are not limited to a particular area, but extend along the entire wall.
The exact nature and cause of these energetic phenomena remain unclear for now. We speculate that they may be related to the unexplained gravitational anomalies and the other mysterious occurrences. It is suspected that these phenomena may be due to a previously unknown energy source or fascinating physical phenomenon.
The energetic phenomena along the Wall represent a fascinating but also challenging component of the expedition. However, we are determined to get to the bottom of these unexplained phenomena and uncover the secrets of the Wall piece by piece. It is their hope that the study of these energetic phenomena will not only provide them with new insights into the moon of Aberdeen and its peculiarities, but also give them a glimpse into previously undiscovered forces and forms of energy in the universe.
Investigation of optically visible energy anomalies on the wall.
Using a special measurement device built into a Mirai Fury. SQUID (Superconducting Quantum Interference Device): A SQUID is an extremely sensitive magnetometer based on the quantum mechanical properties of superconducting materials. It is used to measure extremely weak magnetic fields, for example in investigations of superconducting quantum bits (qubits) in quantum information science.

The investigation of the optically visible energy anomalies on the rock face using the SQUID special instrument, proved disappointing as no usable results were obtained.
Although the SQUID is capable of detecting subtle magnetic field changes, the optically visible energy anomalies on the rock face do not appear to have magnetic origins, or at least none that can be detected by the SQUID. It is possible that the anomalies originate from other forms of energy or physical phenomena that are outside the detection range of the SQUID.
These types of challenges and unanticipated results are not uncommon in scientific research. Sometimes alternative measurement methods or analysis techniques must be used to gain a deeper understanding of the observed phenomena. It may be necessary to bring in additional instrumentation and physics department expertise to determine the nature and origin of the optically visible energy anomalies on the rock face.
The lack of results does not necessarily mean a definitive failure of the investigation. Perhaps the answer lies in other facets of the anomalies or in a combination of different measurement methods and analytical approaches. It may require additional research and experimentation to answer the questions raised by the luminous phenomena in the wall.
Unexpected accidents on the wall
The expedition along the wall on the moon Aberdeen did not go smoothly, because unexpected incidents occurred. Two members of the research team fell victim to unexplained gravitational anomalies that led to dangerous situations. Fortunately, the Medical Unit, under the capable leadership of Leanos Loco, was on hand to manage these medical emergencies and ensure the safety of the entire expedition.
The first incident occurred when Van Dahlen was traveling near the top of the wall. Suddenly, he was caught in a strong gravitational aberration that caused them to lift off the ground. The unexpected weightlessness caused him to lose all footing and fall approximately 80 feet. Van Dahlen was immediately handed over to the Medical Unit, which was quickly on the scene with a rover and was able to transport the injured man to the Med. Department of a Carrack to examine and treat his injuries.

The second accident occurred only moments later. The member of the expedition, Alaska Seadeleare, was near a flying stone when suddenly the gravity around him seemed to be suspended. Although he had no problems staying on the ground, he was hit by the floating stone, which disturbed his balance due to the anomalous gravity. In the process, Alaska fell and injured his leg. Immediately, the Medical Unit rushed to attend to him and take the necessary medical measures.
Thanks to the quick response and professionalism of the Medical Unit, led by Leanos Loco, both accidents were successfully managed. The team had appropriate medical equipment with them to respond appropriately to such emergencies. At no time was the expedition in danger, as the safety and well-being of the team members was always the top priority.
The unexplained gravitational anomalies along the wall remain a mystery that needs further investigation. However, the incidents have highlighted the need to be ever vigilant and prepared for possible unforeseen events. The medical expertise and quick action of the Medical Unit have shown the importance of well-organized and professional support in such challenging situations.
Final thoughts and further speculations
After thorough research and study of the strange phenomena along the wall on the moon Aberdeen, we must come to a sobering conclusion. Although the previous research report originally suggested that this wall might be of Vanduul origin, this hypothesis is increasingly being called into question. There are no known Vanduul activities in and around the Hurston planetary system. Likewise, the formal language of Vanduul artifacts is so special that references to the Vanduul should have been recognized immediately.
The shape and orientation of the wall in relation to the pole, the gravitational anomalies, and the violet glow raise numerous questions. It seems extremely unlikely that these features are purely natural in origin. The combination of these phenomena suggests that an unknown force or energy source plays a role in the construction and existence of this wall.
The presumption that a gravitational weapon
The formation of the wall on the moon Aberdeen could be responsible for is a speculative assumption that has arisen due to the unusual gravitational anomalies and other phenomena. A gravitational weapon would theoretically be able to shape the structure of the wall and manipulate gravity along its surface.
However, this conjecture raises many questions and cannot be considered certain. To begin with, there is no evidence or concrete evidence of the existence of such a gravitational weapon or of alien technologies possessing these capabilities. It is important that scientific investigations are based on comprehensible data and proven facts.
Furthermore, it is difficult to make the connection between a hypothetical gravitational weapon and the other phenomena along the wall. The purple glow, gravity anomalies, and strange footprints could be due to a complex combination of factors that are not yet fully understood.
We should keep an open mind and consider alternative explanations. It is possible that there are as yet undiscovered laws of nature or physical phenomena that could explain the puzzling observations at the wall. It is also conceivable that these phenomena are due to a previously unknown natural geology or geomorphology of the Moon.
In light of these findings, it is of utmost importance to call for further investigation by the SCIUN Physics Department. Only through intensive research and analysis can we hope to unravel the mystery of this wall and understand the nature of these unexplained phenomena.
It is obvious that this discovery could have far-reaching implications for our understanding of the universe. The possibility that there are forces or technologies superior to our current knowledge is both intriguing and disturbing. It opens new vistas for the exploration and advancement of science.
The road to the truth about the origin and purpose of this wall is still long. It requires further investigation, experimentation, and collaboration between different scientific disciplines to unravel the mysteries of this fascinating structure. It is our responsibility to provide the resources and commitment to answer these questions and push the boundaries of our knowledge.
Thanks to the Scientific Union under the leadership of Prof. Hyperion for providing the resources necessary for this expedition.
Even if the phenomena observed at the wall again eluded scientific methods and thus the results are still unsatisfactory, all participants of this mission are aware of the importance of further research of this wall. The suspicion of all mission participants concerning the origin of the wall forces us not to let this matter rest.
In this sense I ask SCIUN, especially the physics department, to take care of the above mentioned questions and speculations as well.
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Signed Alaska Seadeleare
Expedition members:
- Alaska Seadeleare SCIUN Archaeology
- Evelyn SCIUN Medical Division
- Felania SCIUN Medical Division
- Leanos Loco SCIUN Medical Division
- Van Dalen freelancer
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